Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Nagaon (Assam) invites application from the intending candidates who are citizen of India in standard form as published in Part IX of the Assam Gazette with photocopies of all testimonials in support of age, education qualification, caste, experience, if any along with 2 (two) copies of recent passport size photographs for filling up the following temporary posts in the establishment of the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Nagaon
1. Name of post: Process server
No. of posts: 1 (One)
Qualification: HSLC passed or its equivalent examination pass
Scale of pay: PB 2 Rs.5,200/- to Rs.20,200/-
2. Name of post: Peon for office
No. of posts: 1 (One)
Qualification: VIIth passed
Scale of pay: PB 2 Rs.4,560/- to Rs.15,000/-
3. Name of post: Night chowkidar
No. of posts: 1 (One)
Qualification: VIIth passed
Scale of pay: PB 2 Rs.4,560/- to Rs.15,000/-Last date for receipt of application is 07.05.2013
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